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memeticor® v i s i o n
C o m p a n y
memeticor® the business idea:

  • Information is becoming the most important thing in our world.
  • But do we really want to read so much data every day ?
  • But there is a lot to write and read if business should go on!
  • Do we ever wonder how many times other people have to read our papers?
  • What we really want is to "get a big picture" of what is going on!
  • And we want to deliver our message as successful as possible!
  • So we need to give our message a picture that fits into the big picture of our receivers.

This is most efficiently done by information systems
that work on a pictorial way.
Such a system needs some basic features like
  • rules,
  • customising,
  • searching,
  • interfaces to other systems and the www.
Such a system could be the center of communication
in every community and between communities.

What we offer:
  • A pictorial based communication system working on an object oriented concept that allows to establish communication rules very easily.
  • Templates for some communication rules ready to start - the big picture of soft facts - and consulting to adopt them or to define your own.
  • The big picture of soft facts consists of:
  • Strategic Planning
  • Idea Management
  • Risk Management
  • Business Process Management
  • Technical Documentation
  • Problem Management
  • IT Management
  • Communication Management
  • e-Learning
  • Campaign Management
  • We also offer our know-how in Consulting, Training, Programming and are also interested in doing some Research (SVG Experts).
  • And of course we have the best ideas from "Scheibbs to Nebraska" according to our motto.
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