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memeticor® e-mem© mem-topics© ReadyToGo-Consulting® mem-P(owe)R© mem-training© mem-wear© Story Informationmanagement Innovationconsulting
Ideamanagement Infotainment Time Travels ROI
memeticor® Return On Investment
memeticor® well worth using:
  • Time: graphic is easier to communicate than text. The Internet platform is useable everywhere.
  • Quality: information becomes concentrated and more precisely. Information rules assure this on-line.
  • Use: good ideas are often more important than linear economy measures. To boost them in a directed way and to measure them causes a multiple effect.
  • Knowledge: If everybody know what is on and how to play a part every frictional loss is gone.
  • Communication: misunderstandings may be very expensive. On-line availability, graphic and multilingualism do actually bridgeover locations and different cultures.
  • Sustainability: creativity, consulting services, meetings, aims, feed-back, best of practise, benchmarking, maturity of processes, snap shots, time series all that in a single system.

  • Calculation:
    how do you appraise your soft-facts ?

    If you know what is the cost of the total of your meetings every year
    follow this example. If not maybe you really need our products immediately.

    Even a "simplified calculation" shows what the value of our products is:
    internal hourly rate xxx EUR
    departmental meetingxx people
    efficiency factor1 / x %

    xx times a EUR

    If you know what is the cost of a new customer follow this example. If not maybe you really need our products immediately.
    marketing budget per customerxxx EUR
    sales cost per customerxxx EUR
    product management cost per customerxxx EUR
    efficiency factor per customer1 / x %

    every EUR
    Yield: why are our products well worth using ?
    If you get 7% by your bank your infestment would double every 10 years. If you can not rise your earnings up to 7% by using our products, please put your money to the bank !

    But we think that you can rise your earnings just by accompanying measures at least by 10%. So you would double your investments in 7 years - you also get your ROI in 3.5 years if your earnings increase is at least the value of your investment.

    A typical ROI of our marketing tool e-mem© starts already below half a year !

    A typcal ROI of our collaboration management tool mem-topics© starts at an average of two years !

    You as a consultant will have the golden opportunity to tie your know-how in organisations. Thereby your performance is easier to realise and the benefit is easier to show. ReadyToGo-Consulting®
    Sustainability: how to prove our concepts ?
    Direct measurement of your marketing result using our mem-o-meter© is a key benefit of our marketing tool e-mem©.
    Informations rules by teach-in directly via a graphical web interface is a feature of mem-topics©. Knowledge maps including planned and used information routs are calculated on-line by our mem-o-polo©.
    Both tools are based on a powerful Internet-database platform which is also used for integration projects (EAI) and offers world wide services.
    Beyond this both tools support ReadyToGo-Consulting®.
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