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memeticor® consulting service for innovation
idea management
memeticor® offers consulting services for:
  • simplification of modules and reduce total number of modules
  • catalogues of goods and spareparts
  • competition analysis and value analysis
  • analyse business model and to find objective targets
  • problem solving strategies and moderation
  • graphical communication - time travels
  • 7 mortal sins 7 cardinal virtues

    competition - success by innovation:
    why is innovation so important?
    excellent products stand out from the crowd and are "self selling" - you get a good price on a minimum of advertising costs.
    you can often get significant improvements by unconventional ideas.
    ideas for new products and methods of production saves the sucess of the company better than most of the other actions (e.g. sanctions).
    innovation ist unique - genuineness:
    what means innovation?


    to beat the others you often have to go a different way to arrive before them, or you choose another target.

    only the best of class takes a chance to win. who wants to buy the 2nd or 3rd best car
    in savety, price, room, power, speed, economic ?

    No, better give me a car that catch my eye !
    to imitate flops - anyhow many business persons do so.

    thousands of ".com" companies tried to "do somethig similar to Amazon or AOL or Yahoo" - now all of us have to pay for with loss per share and loss of jobs.
    there is something like the "principle of the highlander" - there is only one,
    "the original", selected by the selection procedure of Memetic (Information-Evolution).

    The Better is the enemy of the Good.

    innovation from idea - management:
    how do you get innovation?
    what you need is your genuineness.
  • you need a lot of brand new ideas, and they need a work up (Memetic).
  • the problem is we do not know when new ideas happens and therefore we do not know how expensive are they, and if the market will accept them - do we match the spirit of the age ("zeitgeist")?
  • good innovations must be borne by a "global knowledge" !
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