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mem-topics© Story Telling
a freshening methode to communicate content appreciably
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magnify 4 Elements of a Story:
  1. Message
  2. Conflict
  3. Characters
  4. Plot

Click on the picture to magnify in the window below!
magnify 6 Characters of a Story:
  1. Hero
  2. Goal
  3. Benefactor
  4. Adversary
  5. Supporter
  6. Beneficiary

Click on the picture to magnify in the window below!
magnify The Plot of the Story:
  1. Prelude
  2. Departuer
  3. Assay
  4. Triumph
  5. End

Click on the picture to magnify in the window below!
magnify The story of the Nativity:
  • Conception
  • Bethlehem
  • Birth
  • Angel
  • Comet
  • Escape

Click on the picture to magnify in the window below!
Your memory loves stories and pictures!
memory loves
Therefore you need more than legal texts and numbers,
you need pictures...
Z.I.P. Principle - the big picture of soft-facts©

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