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memeticor® s t o r y
V i s i o n
memeticor® means make use of up-to-date forward-looking information technology.
memeticor® engages in enhancement of communication in: organisation, public(ity), knowledge transfer.
memeticor® offers consulting service and implementation of information management solutions.
memeticor® offers consulting service for innovation, idea management and infotainment.
memeticor® @ Press & Events.

memeticor® is a made-up word from Memetic and Menticor.
Memetic is a sience about replicate information (similar Genetic)
Memetic describes information units as Meme
Memetic means the human mainly replicate information
Memetic means the Meme works autonomous and independent
Memetic means we are damend to replicate information
Memetic shows that informationen mutates and becomes selected
Memetic only information easy to replicate will survive

Menticor is an institution for genetic engineering based on a novel/movie
Menticor makes artifical beings with outstanding features

memeticor® means powerful information systems.
memeticor® manages information machineries that guarantiees a simple replication.
memeticor® manages information memes that will survive.
memeticor® the company.
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