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Ideamanagement Infotainment Time Travels ROI
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T i m e   T r a v e l s
Time travels are useful to get a very special vantage point for ongoing plans and problems.    We will assist you on your time travel with our graphical Collaboration Management System mem-topics©.
I n f o t a i n m e n t
Future Future
Creativity by abstraction:
  • How will optimum solutions look like without any reduction of producibility.
  • warp drive, beam matter, matterless, self steering cars, clean energy, eternal life, communication by thoughts, reflourish deserts, world wide knowledge at a finger tip, healthiness by food, freedom without borders, leisure time ad infinitum...

    The future arise
    from our ambition !
  • How will we have to handle this things in our future ?
  • What will appear to be antiquated and intricated ?
  • What new vistas will open up for us ?

  • Foretime Foretime
    Lerning from the foretime:
  • How to solve a problem
    by a shoestring.
  • retrolook, bio-hype, super maximum credible accidents, fear of terror, environmental disasters, pandemies, stress syndromes, mad cow disease, drug-resistant germs, cellular phone radiation, electromagnetic pollution, market crash, addiction to TV, air crashdd, break down luxury cars by electronics defect etc.

    It was not that bad in the foretime, wasn't it ?
  • How did it work in the foretime ?
  • Was it that better in the "golden age" ?
  • What things wouldn't we really not miss in the future ?

  • Parallel Paralleltime
    Motivation by change of scene and analogy:
  • if we knowingly temporary and regularly get away from it all.
  • Zen, DAO, Yin and Yang, Tai-Ji-Quan, Yoga, locations with special energy, nature, water, energy, leisure, pleasure, senses, enjoyment, esoterism, myth, religion, soul...

    They really do exist and there's a first time for everything !
  • While we transpire in the office or wrench our legs and arms at work,
  • what happens at the same time outside, in the countryside, at parties, in the city ?
  • If we could be there at the same time, what could we expect to experience,
  • what attitude would change, what could we achieve ?
  • Catchword:
    not found?
    Catchwords this page: Productevolution
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