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memeticor® i d e a   m a n a g e m e n t

memeticor® offers the following consulting services:
  • creative workshops
  • ideas market
  • idea managemement systems
  • time travels
  • company comix
  • idea appraisal

  • ideas arise - Memetic:
    how does an idea arise?

    Ideas seem to arise without any effort.
    creative people produce more ideas than they are able to communicate - nor make use of them.
  • everybody wants to be unique and to obtain acceptance.
  • "I am the best sprinter!" - "I am the best piano player!" - "And I have the newest watch!".
  • everybody tries to beat the others - this works best by innovoation, or you even choose another target.
  • therefore we need more and more individual and innovative products.

    At the same time reproduction is the cause of the human mind - different thoughts and impressions become gathered, they are worked up and circulated as information.
  • information overload - take the good with the bad:
    what do you do with those many pretty good ideas?
    Ideas seem to arise without any effort.
    This is the reason why there are so many of them, but when you really need them you can't get them. You can use methodologies and tools, but creativity is without guarantee.
    Any stress make it worse.
  • use approved solutions from different subjects.
  • brainstorming - stimulation of assoziativity.

    How to take care to get pretty good ideas when you really need them?
  • mem-topics mem-topics©
    brainstorming - voting - cloning - annotations - morphological tables - visual confrontation - argumentation lines - benchmarking
    company comix©

    idea - management: how do you get the best idea when you really need it?
    Idea management raises many exciting questions:
  • how to produce ideas for the future?
  • how to build up stocks?
  • do ideas have an expiry date?
  • how to chosse a well-fitting idea from thousands and thousands of ideas?
  • Catchword:
    not found?
    Catchwords this page: Ideamanagement Morphology
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    IT Strategy e-Learning Company-Comix© StoryTelling Brainstorming Voting Cloning Argumentationlines Benchmarking QM Qualitymanagement
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