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Salbaba Software Design offers archiving solutions with i.mdm a fixed content management system and has very successful projects like:
  • Bawag PSK Gruppe: 7 Terra Byte data with 950 users,
    4500 queries a day with 95% less than 2 seconds.
Salbaba Software Design offers also our tools e-mem© and mem-topics© along with an integration into i.mdm and offers it consulting servises using our tool IT-SSS©.
caché Intersystems is our supplier for object-relational database Caché and integration tools used sucessfully all over the world like:
  • Petrobras
  • Otto Versand
  • Möbel Lutz
  • Spar
DAO DAO-Zentrum Sifu Peter Zass offers best recreation for body and soul:
  • Taj-Ji-Quan
  • Gi Gong
  • Wingtsun
  • Escrima
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