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Governance...IT is an important part of corporate governance and needs a continuous planning, documentation and communication as ensured with our tool Security...IT security is an important part of corporate security and should be simple but effective Stability...IT stability is an important part of corporate availability and should be planned and controlled separately Quality...IT Quality has a big impact on corporate quality our integrated tool helps a lot Costs...must and can be at an appropriate rate to the usefulness, do not save at the wrong place, reasonable tools are the first right step EAI...Enterprise Application Integration is state of the art, our tools are still using this technology Archives...where to leave all the important data, the right strategy is half of the solution
^ IT is an important part of corporate governance and needs a continuous planning, documentation and communication as ensured with our tool.
^ IT security is an important part of corporate security and should be simple but effective
^ IT stability is an important part of corporate availability and should be planned and controlled separately
^ IT Quality has a big impact on corporate quality, our integrated tool helps a lot
^ must and can be at an appropriate rate to the usefulness, do not save at the wrong place, reasonable tools are the first right steps
^ Enterprise Application Integration is state of the art, our tools are still using this technology
^ where to leave all the important data, the right strategy is half of the solution
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