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Targets...every way is wrong without a target! Impact of targets...are controlled by measures and influenced by events, this makes an impact to your wanted benefit Environment...is responsible for reachability of targets Event...are often not influenceable and unknown Interests of others...may be conformable with your targets or converse Conflicts...are the result of converse interests Measures...must be done to get impacts of the targets Strategy...combine your efforts with like-minded people Tactics...avoid conflicts or plan measures to counteract Benefit...every target has side effects reducing the profit
^ every way is wrong without a target!
^ are controlled by measures and influenced by events, this makes an impact to your wanted benefit
^ is responsible for reachability of targets
^ are often not influenceable and unknown
^ may be conformable with your targets or converse
^ are the result of converse interests
^ must be done to get impacts of the targets
^ combine your efforts with like-minded people
^ avoid conflicts or plan measures to counteract
^ every target has side effects reducing the profit
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