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ExpertKnowledge...some of the most important things you will never lern at school, therefore we built our tool Infotainment...sometimes you must go a special way to get a special success Technics...changes rapidly and becomes more and more specialised Business...must be tailored to the organisation Languages...are learned best in a context Themes...helps to get a common basis and train our brain Activities...inspire and motivate, make an additional leraning component possible Methods...makes learning easy and sustainable CorporateCulture...is originated by learning Confidence...is originated by education Orientation...is originated by training Acknowledgment...is originated by knowledge
^ some of the most important things you will never lern at school, therefore we built our tool
^ sometimes you must go a special way to get a special success
^ changes rapidly and becomes more and more specialised
^ must be tailored to the organisation
^ are learned best in a context
^ helps to get a common basis and train our brain
^ inspire and motivate, make an additional leraning component possible
^ makes learning easy and sustainable
^ is originated by learning
^ is originated by education
^ is originated by training
^ is originated by knowledge
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