Some things must be visualized to make them visible.
Some things must be visible to become realised.
Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good;
and when it is bad, it is better than nothing.
Dick Brandon
Do we ever wonder
how many times other people have
to read our papers.
Don't tell me a story
show me the big picture.
Big Boss
Do you have questions like this:
- Where is the actual version ?
- Where can I find some drawings about ... ?
- Does anybody know if we have changed the drawings ?
- Who did the last changes ?
- They sent some drawings but
what program do I need to view them ?
- How to make changes visible to everybody ?
- How many drawings are we responsible for ?
You want:
- have one common repository !
- get drawings when you need them !
- see what was changed !
- know who is responsible !
- just use your data to change drawings !
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Just imagine:
- you illustrate location and function of technical facts !
- you use uncomplex interfaces based on XML !
- you easily integrate by hyperlinks !
- you profit by the simple interfaces via XML/XSL and HTML !
Simply illustrate your Technical Documentation with TechDoc© and profit !
The big picture of soft-facts©